Friday, March 5, 2021

The Journey

Invasion conference has started at my church. It's an annual gathering that is powerful and I look forward to it every year. Yesterday during the day, I was thinking and talking to God about how I just want to touch his hem, like the lady with the issue of blood. I wanted instant answers, instant healing, instant results. But then I went to service and was listening to the speaker. He was teaching on Jairus (daughter was dying, got Jesus and was taking him to his house to heal his daughter when the woman touched His robe). Then the speaker says - sometimes we want the instant relief, when God wants to see if we will stick with him through the journey.... WOW Am I praying for instant relief, when God wants to see how I will stick with Him through the journey???? And how am I doing with that? Am I frustrated bc it's not happening on my timeline? Am I drawing closer to God through the journey or am I pulling away? Am I looking more at my problems than to the Holy One? Am I distracted bc I lost my focus? God orchestrated the night. He knew what my thoughts and prayers would be and then gave the speaker a word - for me. You see, Jairus' daughter was worse when Jesus "finally" got to the house, but God did a greater miracle - he rose that girl from the dead. He didn't forget that Jairus had a need, a desire, he took Jairus on a journey and bc Jairus didn't quit, didn't get distracted, didn't lose focus, Jesus did greater things than Jairus thought. Don't lose hope if the journey is long, or you feel like you're overlooked....keep your focus on Jesus and stay the course. He has great things coming your way - just hold on! “But Jesus overheard them and said to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid. Just have faith.”” ‭‭Mark‬ ‭5:36‬ ‭NLT‬‬