Saturday, March 17, 2012

5 Sick Days = 1 Spring Break

Sickness has decided to up a room in our house the past week. It was an un-welcomed guest that stayed too long.

I started running a fever Sunday afternoon, but figured it would be better by the next day - it wasn't. But instead of taking it easy (which we moms know we can't) I did some laundry, dishes and some random cleaning. So, to make a long story short, I ended up on an antibiotic. Gracie soon followed. The poor thing just can't stay away from her momma no matter how many times I asked to her to.

Gracie struggled with a high fever for awhile and that was the hardest part for me. One night, she hardly slept, and when she did would wake up hallucinating due to her fever. She thought that there were bugs on her arms, that she wasn't in my bed but not sure where she was and a couple others that I couldn't understand. She made it thru the night and I could tell she felt better because I couldn't keep her still. She is now running around like her normal self.

Last night she coughed and coughed while trying to sleep. I went in to check on her and our conversation went as follows:

Me - You will be better by morning.

Gracie - I don't want to be dead by morning.

Me - Not dead, better!

Gracie - O-oh, that is good.


Due to all the sickness, I decided to call it spring break. The weather was beautiful, but unfortunately we did not get to enjoy it as much as I would have liked. But we are all pretty much healthy and I am looking forward to enjoying some of this nice weather now.